Vigamox  (U.S.N.L.M.)
Dosing/ conjunctivitis 1 drop tid for 7 days    (See Moxeza for bid dosing)
Dosing/ corneal ulcer In office loading dose then 2drops q15min for 2-3hr, then qhr,
q3-4hr overnight (ung hs less severe cases), qhr day 2, then
q2hr to significant resolution, then qid to day 14.
Chem Specs moxifloxacin 0.5%
Quantities 3 ml in 4ml bottle
Cost 82.40    generic
Class fourth-generation fluoroquinolone
Action Binds bacterial DNA gyrase topoisomerase II and topoisomerase IV
Activity Active against a very broad range of gram negative and positive
organisms. Click heading for details in package insert.
Active against a very broad range of gram negative and positive organisms. Click heading for details in package insert.
Usage Indicated for bacterial conjunctivitis, off label for corneal ulcer.
Enhanced gram positive activity with bulky side chains which combat
resistance and enhance potency. Superior time-kill characteristics.
Better solubility in ophthalmic solution allows higher concentration.
Biphasic molecule may explain enhanced corneal penetration.
Enhanced gram positive activity with bulky side chains which combat resistance and enhance potency. Superior time-kill characteristics. Better solubility in ophthalmic solution allows higher concentration. Biphasic molecule may explain enhanced corneal penetration.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to Moxifloxacin, other quinolones or any components.
Pediatric use The safety and effectiveness have been established in all ages.
Pregnancy No adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.
Administration to pregnant rats, monkeys and rabbits did not produce
adverse effects at clinically relevant doses.
No adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Administration to pregnant rats, monkeys and rabbits did not produce adverse effects at clinically relevant doses.
Self preserved.    Slight yellowish color.
Ophthalmic patent expiration September 29, 2019.
    N.L.M. DailyMed page for Vigamox         PDR page for Vigamox