Upneeq®  (U.S.N.L.M.)
Dosing One drop daily
Chem Specs oxymetazoline hydrochloride 0.1%
Quantities Cartons of 30 single-use containers in child-resistant foil pouches
Cost 257.00
Class Alpha adrenoreceptor agonist
Action As a selective α1 and partial α2 agonist oxymetazoline contracts the smooth
(Muller's) muscle of the upper lid.
Usage Indicated for the treatment of acquired blepharoptosis in adults.
Cautions Prior assessment of possible underlying disease such as Horner's,
myasthenia gravis, etc. is required. Alpha agonist implications for various
cardiovascular conditions and Sjögren’s syndrome must be considered. May
increase the risk of narrow-angle glaucoma.
Contraindications None
Pediatric use Safety and effectiveness not been established in patients under 13 years of age.
Pregnancy Teratogenic when fed to rats at 28x (but not at 7x) the normal comparable human
ophthalmic dose.
Remove contact lenses prior to use; reinsert 15 minutes following administration.
    N.L.M. DailyMed page for Xiidra          PDR page for Xiidra